Wofford College
Acceptance Packet
I had the chance to design an acceptance packet mailer for Wofford College. The goal?
Create something that would stand out against all the other college materials high school seniors are inundated with, focusing on fine details and an interactive, hands-on experience.
This entire mailer has an emphasis on the excitement we feel when opening a package, and building anticipation as potential students find out if they’ve been accepted.
The final reveals
The final phases of the reveal turns its focus to a pennant and an invitation to the Main Event. Our goal was for those who were
excited about being accepted to Wofford to snap photos of themselves with their Wofford Said Yes pennant and post to social media.
The final “reveal” took place when these students posted their photos for their friends and family to see.
We also considered making a custom stamp for this mailer, as you’ll see above, but that vision had to be altered to accommodate for cost.
Designs above are not displayed to scale.